Most side-by-sides are equipped with a set of four tires, but there's another option that you'll often encounter at your local dealership — particularly if you visit during the winter. You can expect to see some side-by-sides that have tracks instead of tires. The tracks are somewhat similar in appearance to the tracks that you find on a snowmobile, but there are four small tracks instead of one large one. A side-by-side with tracks have a unique look that will catch your attention, but the tracks do more than just change the appearance of this off-road vehicle. Here are some reasons to buy a side-by-side that is equipped with tracks.

More Traction 

The biggest reason that a lot of side-by-side owners favor tracks over tires is that they'll provide a high degree of traction. While side-by-side tires that are designed for winter usage offer good grip, you'll unquestionably get more grip when you have tracks. This can make it easier to control your vehicle in a safe manner, as well as allow you to use the vehicle without worrying about getting stuck. Whether you're trail riding, traveling to an ice fishing spot, or simply plowing your driveway, you'll appreciate the traction from tracks.

Travel On The Snow

The width of the tracks on your side by side will also allow you to travel across the top of a snowy area rather than sink deep into it — much like how snowmobiles zip across the surface of the snow. With tires, you could expect to sink into the snow. Being able to travel in the snow can make you feel confident about going out in all sorts of conditions. For example, if a major snowstorm were to hit your area, you could easily travel around on a side-by-side with tracks to buy essentials at a nearby store or check on a family member who lives a short distance from you.

Higher Clearance

While the design of different track systems varies, you'll generally find that a side-by-side that has a set of tracks will have a little more ground clearance than the same vehicle equipped with tires. More ground clearance can be desirable on difficult terrain, as it will prevent the bottom of your side by side from scraping on rocks and perhaps sustaining damage. Visit a side-by-side dealership to look at its models with tracks.

To learn more, visit a side x side dealership near you.
